Education is the process of exchange of ideas, the outcome of which is maximizing the potential of individuals, according to the needs and demands of society, of which he is an integral part. Study habits are at the core of academic success. The objectives of this study are to assess the study habits, learning styles, academic performance among nursing students and the association between study habits among nursing students with selected socio demographic variables. A descriptive research design and the quantitative research approach were used for this study. Samples of one hundred and twenty nursing students were selected using purposive sampling technique. The study habits of nursing students were assessed using the socio demographic variables, Learning Styles Inventory, Academic performance and association between study habits and selected socio Demographic variables using Modified Trait and Entwistle Learning Approach Inventory. The present study revealed that 71 (59.17%) students are visual learners, 29 (24.17%) are auditory, 9 (7.5%) are kinesthetic 5 (4.16%) are visual and auditory and 6 (5%) students are visual and kinesthetic learners. According to the distribution of academic performance among nursing students, the academic performance show that 6 (5%) of students got distinction, 93 (77.5%) of students got first class, 7 (5.9%) of students got second class and 14 (11.6%) of students had failure. Chi square analysis showed that there was a significant association in most common distractions while studying (2=0) and there was no significant association between selected demographic variables.